Businesses in the same industry are vying for the same customers. They’ll need any kind of competitive advantage for a customer to choose them over the competition. Sometimes even incremental increases in quality, efficiency and productivity can make a difference in your bottom line.


Here’s how you gain a competitive advantage when you hire freelancers.


Infuses Talent into Your Team

You may already have a good team in your organisation, but adding someone with more experience and a specific skill may give you advantages over your competitors. Freelancers are often “plug and play” because they can do the tasks immediately once you hire them. They require little to no supervision once you give them all the details of your project.

A freelancer can be better at what your team is currently doing. They can simplify processes, be more efficient, finish tasks sooner and fill gaps in your company. You’ll need to identify a bad freelancer so that you can filter them from the best ones. Once you find your freelancer, start reaping the benefits.


A Different Outlook

Your team may be stuck because of an unsolved problem or your brand has stagnated. In such cases, you’ll need a fresh pair of eyes to find a creative solution. One of the ways to solve this is to leverage freelance competitive advantage. Freelancers have worked with different clients from various industries. This gives them a distinct perspective when it comes to analysing the market you are in and the customers you serve. They provide insights you may have missed during your brainstorming sessions.


Value for Money

One of the advantages of hiring freelancers is you get good value for the services they provide. When you hire full-time employees, you also pay for their training, benefits, holidays and promotions. You can get a freelancer for short-term work or longer depending on your needs. They have a fixed hourly or output-based rate. It is possible to set just a few hours of work a week and still get quality output. This saves your company money and allows you to allocate resources effectively.


Better Efficiency and Productivity

Solve efficiency or productivity problems within your processes by hiring a freelancer. Improvements in both boost your bottom line and streamlines your company’s processes. Your company needs to work like a well-oiled machine to be competitive and overtake your competitors. Freelancers can be the missing piece to the puzzle that allows your employees to focus on what they do best instead of doing tasks beyond their area of expertise.


These are some of the ways hiring freelancers give you a competitive advantage. An edge over your competitors allows you to reach a wider market and boost your profits. If you need help finding virtual bookkeepers, you can contact us. We at Robookkeeper can connect you with first-rate freelancers.


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