Satisfied clients are your brand ambassadors. On the other side of the spectrum, dissatisfied clients are your biggest detractors. Both types of clients can make or break your company. Their reviews about your services can either attract more clients or turn them off. This has a profound impact on your business’ profitability. That’s why you need to constantly find ways to improve customer satisfaction. Doing so enables you to not only keep your core clients, but also get new ones.


How do you improve customer satisfaction?


Always Communicate and Seek Feedback

When you get a business to outsource to your company, you should go beyond the onboarding process to keep them satisfied with your services. To keep abreast of the needs and pain points of your clients, you should always communicate with them and get their feedback. Request for a review through emails, direct messages, or a form. It depends on the platform you’re familiar with. Ask for specific reasons a client would recommend your services and their experience working with you. Feedback allows you to identify areas for improvement and ways you can customise your services based on the specifics of a client.

Check in on your clients even if they’ve been your business partner for years. Send email or message updates about the progress of a project or campaign. Reply promptly to their concerns via email or instant messaging. These practices allow you to build a lasting business partnership with clients.


Use Feedback and Turn it into Actions

You won’t be able to improve customer satisfaction without taking a proactive approach. Turn the feedback you receive from clients into actions that benefit them. Knowing the concerns and reading client reviews are just the initial steps to keeping your client satisfied with your company. Convert reviews into action items you implement within a specific timeline. Your clients want to see results. Use the insights you gained from feedback to customise your package and deliver the results a client desires. Create performance indicators to determine the success rate and effectiveness of the goals you and your client established. Establishing the desired end results provides all parties with a path on how to achieve them.  


Assess Your Clients Journey

Assess the journey of your clients from the beginning of their engagement to improve customer satisfaction. Review the touchpoints they have with your company and determine if they align with the standards and requirements of your clients. Doing so provides them with first-rate customer support and business continuity. This also creates a delightful experience for them. Knowing the journey of your clients from onboarding allows you to identify their changing points. When you understand your clients, you’ll be able to adjust to their needs and address their pain points. Communication is also an integral part of the process. Regular emails, meetings, and messages allow your team to learn more about your clients. This enables you to identify touchpoints and changes you need to make to keep them satisfied. Conduct surveys and/or interviews to collect feedback and know more about their experiences with your company.


Customise Your Approach

A customised approach is one way to improve customer satisfaction. This strategy shows you understand and are willing to meet the distinct needs and pain points of a client. This boosts loyalty and trust between you and your client. Some of the practices you can implement to personalise your services include:

  1. Celebrate the anniversaries of your most loyal clients. This milestone shows the trust you have for each other because of the shared goals and successes you have achieved. Create customised messages, whether video or email blast. You can also consider discounted services to celebrate your partnership with them.
  2. Greet your client on their birthday. Send a personalised greeting to show your connection with them.
  3. Send clients a token of appreciation during their anniversary, birthday, company milestones, and other special events.

The above-mentioned ways are just a few things you can do to make a client feel special.


Market Research is Important

Your knowledge about your clients might already be outdated. That’s why you need to conduct market research regularly. Doing so allows you to understand the pain points, touchpoints, needs, and wants of your clients which will enable you to improve customer satisfaction. You’ll be able to keep abreast of the trends in your niche and find ways to gain a competitive advantage in a tough marketplace. Research also enables you to learn more about your competitors. The data you gather and the insights you gain allow you to compare your company’s performance with your niche’s standards. It also enables you to identify the positioning of your competitors. You’ll be able to find ways to distinguish your brand, products, and services from the competition.


Use the Right Tools

Leverage technology to improve customer satisfaction. The tools at your disposal simplifies some of the tasks you need to do with no errors. It also allows you to reduce the time it takes to accomplish work. Cloud accounting software is one of the tools you can use. It enables your team to identify errors in accounting books and correct them immediately. It’s also possible to access the financial data you and your clients need remotely. You can store important data in the cloud and access it at your convenience. Both sides can use real-time financial information whenever they need it. You can find other tools online which you think are essential to improving client satisfaction.


Reliability and Responsiveness

If you’re a reliable business partner, your clients will remain loyal. Be available whenever clients need you. Your ability to respond to any situation shows that you value your clients. Establish communication platforms where a client can reach 100% of the time. Quick responses not only improve customer satisfaction, but also boosts turnaround times. Faster turnaround times allow you to address the problems of your clients quickly.


Make improving customer satisfaction a priority. Doing so keeps them loyal and engaged with your company. Satisfied clients allow you to stay profitable. If ever you need to keep your accounting books updated or need to set up accounting software, we at Robookkeeper can assist you. We offer first-rate small business accounting services.


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