The business you opened in a new location is ready. You are looking for ways to boost its profile and reach your intended customers. This takes effort and resources you are willing to provide. You will need clear strategies to make a good impression on your audience.


These are some of the best practices you can follow when you enter a new market and promote your new location.


Expand Geo Targeting

One of the simplest strategies you can implement to promote your latest location is to expand your geo targeting. This adjustment lets your current and potential customers know that you have another branch in a different city. Include your new location whenever you launch online ads. This approach directs traffic to your current location and to your new one.


Include it in Your Website

When you enter a new market and establish a new location, always include it in your website updates. Include teasers on your pages or create a dedicated landing page for announcements about your new location. This generates interest around the launching and lets your audience know your business is expanding. A landing page also boosts your online marketing efforts because you can use it to add fresh content for your website.

Don’t forget to mention important details such as the opening date, contact information, address, and email address. These details make it easier for your target customers to find your new location and contact it if they need to. Use a chatbot to answer questions about your opening or promotions through your website.


Use Local Listings

Local listings make it easier for your target customers to find your new location. Google Local is an example of a directory that you can claim. Other sites provide you with the same type of listing for your new business. It is free to claim your business on online listings. Make sure all details about contact information are on your listing. The details you input boost the possibility of your customers finding you online.


Update Social Media Pages

Update your social media pages to generate buzz around your new location. Mention it whenever you publish content. Post updates as the launch date approaches to pique the interest of your audience. After opening, post more content about your new location. Post content of the products you offer, introduce your staff, and promote upcoming events or promotions for customers who will visit the site.


Create Ads

Use ads through your social media platforms to attract leads and boost your conversion rate. Expand your reach with promotions such as discounts within the first few days of launching, special events, and giveaways with your branding on the items. Use the tone and language of your target audience. Promote various types of content such as videos, photos, infographics, and others.


When you enter a new market, you will encounter many challenges. However, these are not insurmountable as long as you launch effective campaigns and strategies. Focus on growing your business while you let us update your accounting books. We at Robookkeeper provide clients like you with first-rate small business accounting services. Our team of experienced virtual accountants have the certifications you require to meet your standards.


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