The content of your website can draw more visitors and enable your small business to convert at a high rate. However, you cannot just publish content for the sake of it and fill it with keywords. This approach will not yield the results you want. You must publish articles, videos, graphics, and other types of content that your intended audience will find useful. Doing so allows you to connect with them, build authority in a chosen topic, and get visitors to follow your call-to-action.


These are some of the best practices when it comes to creating and implementing a content marketing strategy.


Study and Know Your Audience

Learn more about your target content consumers to know what they want, their interests and pain points. Choose topic-based content that resonate with your audience and addresses a need. Use their voice, language and tone when discussing a topic they’re interested in. Test different types of blog posts, images, videos, email marketing content, and others to determine which one your audience engages with and shares the most. Make a buyer persona shaped in the image of your core audience. This makes your brand relatable and allows you to connect with your customers.


Create Content Based on the Buyer’s Journey

The buyer’s journey illustrates the various stages of customer interest in your products or services. The way they’ll respond to your calls-to-action depends on where they are in the sales funnel. They might be in the awareness stage where they are gathering information before buying products. They might already be in the conversion stage where they are about to make a purchase but need more convincing. Personalise the content you publish to meet a potential customer at the appropriate stage of their journey. Doing so allows you to push them further down the sales funnel.


Make and Follow a Content Calendar

One of the pillars of a strong content marketing strategy is that website owners follow a content calendar. The latter serves as your guide whenever you plot out the blog posts, videos, images, and other types of content you will use for your brand. This allows you to publish a post at a time that reaches your intended audience when they are most receptive.


Concentrate on Trust and Authority

Focus your content creation on building trust with your target audience and authority. A potential customer will listen to an expert whenever they discuss a product or make a recommendation. Create content that informs and educates people; this can come in the form of infographics, articles, how-to videos, and others. Use facts and back your claims with data. Tell a story using numbers to enforce your points and convert website visitors.


Focus on Longer Content

Create videos and articles that are longer and full of information. Longer pieces of content improve your search results ranking and show your authority on a subject. Other websites and your target audience will refer or link to these types of content. The more shares or links your article or video gets, the better your ranking will be. Use longer content to link to other blog posts on your website. Internal linking is also an important part of your content marketing strategy.


These content marketing best practices allow you to gain an advantage over your competitors and build a strong brand in your chosen niche. If you need assistance with bookkeeping, we at Robookkeeper can do it for you. Let us do your bookkeeping while you concentrate on producing and publishing high quality content. We offer affordable and first-rate bookkeeping services for small business owners.


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