An online shop that lacks reviews may seem dubious to a visitor. Potential customers would want to see reviews first before deciding to buy a product or use a service. When they see positive or negative feedback, they will use this to determine whether to trust a brand or not. That is why it is important to have reviews on your website.


Current or previous customers sometimes forget to leave a review. Here’s how to get reviews for your products or services.


Send an Email

Get a review about your products or services by sending an email to a customer. It is a cost-effective way to get feedback from customers. You can personalise the message you send if you have the details of the receiver. You can also send a templated email asking for a review of the product or service a customer used. Make sure to include a link to the review platform you use or the page on your website. Integrate this strategy to your email marketing campaigns for a holistic approach.


Thank You Card

A simple thank you to a customer goes a long way. They notice these gestures and it also puts your brand in a good light. Whenever you send a thank you email, include a favour to leave a review for the product or service they appreciated. A different version of this includes a printed thank you card along with the packaging or bag of a product. Leave links to your review page or platform so that when you ask for feedback it is easy for a customer to do so.


Create a Separate Review Page

If you have your own website or online shop, include a separate reviews page. Our own feedback page allows you to monitor negative and positive customer reviews. It is easier for you to respond to comments on your own page. It improves the credibility of your online shop when you allow customers to leave a review solely based on their experience with your brand. The more positive reviews you have, the more sales your site can generate.


Via Direct Message

One of the things you can implement for your how to get reviews strategy is asking a customer directly through a text or private message. Only do this for customers who willingly provided you with their contact information. The template is similar to sending an email only the medium has changed. Include a link to your review page or platform.


Ask for One Directly

Train your sales team to ask for feedback after a customer checks out their items in your shop. Train them to initiate conversations with customers and how to read their responses. Some customers prefer not leaving a review if they are in a hurry while others just don’t want to talk at all. Bottom line is you should not force a customer to leave a review. Keep the conversation genuine and ask for a review if the situation allows it.


Learn how to get reviews for your products or services with the tips mentioned above. These practices allow you to connect with customers and boost your reputation in the eyes of your target market. We at Robookkeeper can help you update your accounting books while you work on improving your brand’s reputation. We offer first-rate bookkeeping services for small business owners. Our team of virtual bookkeepers have the experience to correct any mistakes in your books.


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